XUE Qian,LI Yan.Experimental Study on Near Infrared Sintering of Printed Conductive Patterns[J].Packaging Engineering,2020,41(5):235-241.
Experimental Study on Near Infrared Sintering of Printed Conductive Patterns
投稿时间:2019-04-10  修订日期:2020-03-10
中文关键词: 纳米银油墨  柔性基底  近红外烧结  方阻
英文关键词: nano conductive ink  flexible substrate  near-infrared sintering  square resistance
薛倩 1.数字化印刷装备北京市重点实验室北京 1026002.印刷装备北京市高等学校工程研究中心北京 1026003.北京市印刷电子工程技术研究中心北京 102600 
李艳 1.数字化印刷装备北京市重点实验室北京 1026002.印刷装备北京市高等学校工程研究中心北京 1026003.北京市印刷电子工程技术研究中心北京 102600 
      目的 研究在不同条件下使用近红外烧结后导电图案方阻值的变化。方法 首先用丝网印刷方式分别在PET薄膜、普通纸张、棉布上印刷图案;其次通过增加烧结时间、是否加入反射板进行近红外烧结试验;最后用四探针测量烧结后导电图案的方阻,并对试验数据进行分析。结果 在无反射板条件下,烧结13 s时,PET基底上的导电图案的方阻值由未烧结时的381 mΩ/□降至89.25 mΩ/□,纸基底上导电图案由未烧结时290.3 mΩ/□降至132.5 mΩ/□;在烧结10 s时,棉布上导电图案方阻值由未烧结时的357 mΩ/□降至111 mΩ/□。加入反射板后,在烧结5 s时,PET基底上导电图案方阻值由381 mΩ/□降至72.7 mΩ/□,纸基上导电图案方阻值由290.3 mΩ/□降至62.5 mΩ/□。结论 近红外烧结工艺适用于以上3种柔性基底的烧结,加入反射板可明显增强红外热效应,快速降低方阻值。
      The work aims to study the change of square resistance of conductive pattern after near infrared sintering under different conditions. Firstly, screen printing was used to print patterns on PET substrates, paper substrates and cotton substrates; Secondly, the near infrared sintering test was carried out by increasing the sintering time and whether to add reflector or not; Finally, the square resistance of the sintered conductive pattern was measured with four-point probes, and then the test data were analyzed. It turned out when the sintering time increased to 13 seconds without reflector, the square resistance of the conductive pattern on the PET substrate remarkably decreased from 381 mΩ/□ to 89.25 mΩ/□, and the square resistance of the conductive pattern on the paper substrate markedly decreased from 290.3 mΩ/□ to 132.5 mΩ/□. After 10 seconds of sintering, the square resistance of the conductive pattern on the cotton substrate reduced from 357 mΩ/□ to 111 mΩ/□. When adding the reflector, the square resistance of the conductive pattern on PET substrate reduced from 381 mΩ/□ to 72.7 mΩ/□ within 5 seconds and the square resistance of the conductive pattern on paper substrate decreased from 290.3 mΩ/□ to 62.5 mΩ/□. In conclusion, the near infrared sintering is suitable for the three flexible substrates mentioned above, and the addition of reflector can significantly enhance the infrared thermal effect and rapidly reduce the value of square resistance.
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