SUN Yu-jin,SUN De-qiang,TAN Yi,AN Xing,HAO Jing,ZHAO Qi,JIAO Si-han.Experimental Study on the Out-of-plane Cushioning Performance of Circular Paper Honeycomb Filled with EPE Foam[J].Packaging Engineering,2020,41(13):82-89.
Experimental Study on the Out-of-plane Cushioning Performance of Circular Paper Honeycomb Filled with EPE Foam
投稿时间:2019-10-29  修订日期:2020-07-10
中文关键词: 泡沫填充  圆形纸蜂窝  异面  缓冲性能  评价参数  能量吸收  变形模式
英文关键词: filled with foam  circular paper honeycomb  out-of-plane  cushioning performance  evaluation parameters  energy absorption  deformation mode
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51575327);陕西省教育厅重点实验室及基地项目(16JS014);陕西省教育厅 2014 陕西本科高校专业综合改革试点子项目(陕教高[2014]16号)
孙玉瑾 1.陕西科技大学 a.中国轻工业功能印刷与运输包装重点实验室 b.轻化工程国家级实验教学示范中心西安 710021 
孙德强 1.陕西科技大学 a.中国轻工业功能印刷与运输包装重点实验室 b.轻化工程国家级实验教学示范中心西安 710021 
谭一 2.北京城市学院北京 100083 
安兴 1.陕西科技大学 a.中国轻工业功能印刷与运输包装重点实验室 b.轻化工程国家级实验教学示范中心西安 710021 
郝静 1.陕西科技大学 a.中国轻工业功能印刷与运输包装重点实验室 b.轻化工程国家级实验教学示范中心西安 710021 
赵琪 1.陕西科技大学 a.中国轻工业功能印刷与运输包装重点实验室 b.轻化工程国家级实验教学示范中心西安 710021 
焦思涵 1.陕西科技大学 a.中国轻工业功能印刷与运输包装重点实验室 b.轻化工程国家级实验教学示范中心西安 710021 
      目的 为了研究EPE泡沫填充对圆形纸蜂窝异面缓冲性能的影响,开展相关试验研究。方法 对2种排列方式(规则/交错)以及不同填充形式(未填充、全填充、5种部分填充方式)的EPE泡沫填充圆形纸蜂窝结构,进行异面准静态和动态压缩试验,研究其异面变形模式和吸能特性,比较不同排列方式和泡沫填充对其异面缓冲性能的影响。 结果 静态压缩时,与未填充蜂窝结构相比,EPE填充使交错排列的平均平台应力和单位体积能量吸收分别增长了10.1%和8.9%,规则排列分别增长了7.1%和7.5%。结论 EPE填充使圆形纸蜂窝所承受的最大静应力增大,且交错排列时增长较明显;相同填充率下,填充方式对圆形纸蜂窝异面静态压缩的缓冲性能影响不大。动态压缩时,排列方式和泡沫填充仅对大载荷下圆形纸蜂窝的动态缓冲性能影响明显。EPE填充使圆形纸蜂窝异面缓冲性能得到改善,且交错排列方式优于规则排列。
      The work aims to carry out relevant experimental research to study the effect of EPE foam filling on the out-of-plane cushioning performance of circular paper honeycomb. A series of out-of-plane quasi-static and dynamic compression experiments were carried out on the circular paper honeycomb filled with EPE foam in two arrangements (regular/staggered) and different filling patterns (bare, fully filled, five kinds of partial filling), so as to study the out-of-plane deformation modes and energy absorption characteristics and compare the effects of different arrangements and foam filling on the out-of-plane cushioning performance. For static compressions, compared with the bare honeycomb structure, EPE filling increased the average plateau stress and the energy absorption per unit volume by 10.1% and 8.9% for the staggered arrangement pattern, and by 7.1% and 7.5% for the regular arrangement pattern, respectively. EPE filling increases the maximum static stress of circular paper honeycombs, and the growth is more obvious especially for the staggered pattern. At the same filling rate, the filling patterns have little effect on the cushioning performance of circular paper honeycombs under out-of-plane static compression. For dynamic compressions, the arrangement patterns and foam filling only significantly affect the dynamic cushioning performance of circular paper honeycombs under large loads. EPE foam filling can improve the out-of-plane cushioning performance of circular paper honeycombs, and the staggered arrangement pattern is superior to the regular one.
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